You are NOT “crazy”

Have you ever been called “crazy, lazy” Have you ever been told “it’s all in your head” Have you ever felt alone and misunderstood? Me too.

Why is it that mental health has these horrible labels attached to it? Why do people think that taking tablets for your mental health illness is silly or not needed?

People might not understand why I started this blog, and that’s okay. I know why I started it. I need more people to understand the importance of educating themselves about mental health illnesses. More people need to understand the impact of their words on the next person. Treating mental health needs to be taken more seriously, just as any other illness would.

Let me ask you this: If you have the cold/flu and your doctor prescribes medication and lots of rest, do you listen? Yes? Then why when it comes to mental health the same is not done? Why is it not treated the same? I want people to ask these questions.

Needing rest, needing medication, needing a time-out is okay! Expecting your mind to heal itself without any help is just not possible. Rest, medication, therapy, talking about it, needs to be done. Don’t listen to the voices that says you are crazy! That tells you, “you just need to get over it.” It’s not that simple, if it was, so many people would not be suffering in silence.

Mental health is important. Your feelings and emotions are valid. If you need a break, take one. Need a moment to cry? Do it. Be kind to one another, treat the next person as you would want to be treated.

You are not alone, please don’t suffer in silence. You matter, you are important, you are wanted and you are loved. Please reach out to someone if you are battling. Please visit my contact page for some more information.

Until next time, remember, you are loved!
