Okay, it’s been 2 weeks – let’s rant?

Wow! I can’t believe that I haven’t posted in such a loooooong time! Time flies guys, it really does.

I don’t even remember my last post. BRB I’m going to see what I spoke about.

I’m baaaaccck! “I saw a new therapist, started intermittent fasting and had my sister over for the weekend” So that’s the just of my last post. Hmmm let’s see… what’s new?

Okay, so I am continuing with my new therapist Daisy, I LOVE HER! can I say that? Oh well. She has helped me so so much with my emotions, and how to handle stressful situations.

Let me insert something about the steps of DBT therapy quick fast.

So I feel like in the past 4 sessions that I have had with Daisy, we have covered all of this and let me tell you something… A few weeks ago I was so much in my head where I was questioning reality and I thought that nothing would help, but I was wrong. This has helped me. Yes, I still have my moments but honestly taking a deep breath and taking note of your surroundings really brings you back to reality!

So read up on DBT therapy and discuss those options with your therapist (if you have one) as I feel like it’s very effective in helping with ALOT of things.

Let’s move onto my intermittent fasting. Yes I am sticking to it. I took like a 2 day break because of shark week, but I’ll be back at it tomorrow. I am sticking to my workouts and I KNOW that this time around I will make the change and stick to it. I believe in myself and if you are battling with your weight, I believe in you too!

I feel like we need to motivate each other more. Hype each other up and be there for one another. A simple “you’ve got this” goes a long way. I had a complete stranger comment on one of my tik toks and it really made me smile, so thank you!

I wish I could make a change all on my own, wipe out all of the sadness and make others happy. Oh, I wish for so many things, but one can only do so much. So whatever you are working on and trying to do to better yourself… well done! thank you for making the world a better place!

Now, onto something funny. Guys I CANNOT do makeup, so check out my video below if you want a good laugh at how it goes south really really fast. I also talk about some random stuff that’s on my mind.

I will try my best to be more consistent with my posts, I have just been adjusting to a few things, but I’ll be back soooooon!

Until next time my lovely souls, remember that you are loved!
