My love for animals, and how they have helped me

I grew up with a ton of animals. I remember having many cats and dogs, a few birds, couple of fish and a rabbit. Oh, how I loved them all!

Now that I am older, I can appreciate them more than just playing with them. Take my cats for example… They are very much to themselves – but – when they want affection… they make it known! It’s the cutest thing. I’ve noticed that when it’s that time of the month for me, one of my cats loves to lay on my belly and purr, it makes me feel so loved.

A few months ago, a new member was added to the family, and that’s my little angel Nyx. She’s a one-year-old rottweiler now, and she’s my angel sent from above. When we first got her I was not in a good place at all (mentally that is) and my husband was supposed to take care of her daily needs, but he became so busy at work that it became my job. I am now very thankful for that. Having Nyx forced me to get up in the morning and give her fresh food and water, take her for daily walks and train her. It was really overwhelming most of the time, but it was worth it. Nyx ended up being my pillar of strength, and my ray of sunshine when I needed it most. One night a few months ago, I was questioning everything – life, my purpose on this earth and whether I should be here or not. At this moment Nyx came over to me, licked me and plopped herself on my lap. In that moment I felt needed and so so loved. I knew that I was meant to be on this Earth, even if it was just to be there for my dog.

The point of this post is… when you are feeling lonely and like everything is too much, take a second, take a deep breath and think about who needs you. Whether that thing is your plant, your furry friend, partner or family… hold onto that. Remember you are worth it; you are important and most importantly you are loved. Until next time
