I’m loving life, and everything that comes with it

Sorry I’ve been MIA 🙁

Life has beeeen life-ing? Does that fit the “lingo”? LOL

Even though my husband just had surgery a week ago, and I’ve been recovering from a terrible flu, I am grateful.

I woke up happy and decided to go with it.

I know it may seem like life can come at you with so many things, and most of the time with everything at once – but trust me when I say, you can get through it. It won’t last forever, the sun has to shine at some point 🙂

Even when you are going through the most, ask yourself. . . “what am I grateful for?” I’ll tell you mine. I am grateful for a new day, a chance to make memories and laugh as hard as I can. I am grateful for my wonderful family, my husband and my pets. I am grateful for life and the fact that I am getting older (I used to fear aging, now I welcome it) I am grateful for feeling peaceful and happy.

I was looking at old video’s of my siblings and it brought so much happiness to my heart, I have had the privilege of watching them grow up and become their own person. Life moves by so fast, so always embrace the now.

I know I haven’t been posting much, and I haven’t been posting much about my mental health journey, but I will get to it. Bipolar Awareness day is coming up, and I’ll probably dedicate a post to it.

But for now, I want you to look at what is good in your life, even if it’s something as small as a great cup of coffee that you just had. Enjoy the good moments, embrace them and try and hold onto them, for when days that are not as good.

Thank you for reading. . .

Until next time my lovely souls, remember that you are loved.
