I won’t apologize for the “new” me

I’ve made some changes. Okay, let’s be real for a second… I’ve made quite a few changes. And it all started with this blog. I am so grateful for this safe space where I can talk about what I want and just be me.

After I started the blog, I made a YouTube channel, Instagram & TikTok account and a Facebook page, I somehow ended up on Reddit too, but haven’t been very active on it. Anyway… It started with me wanting to create awareness about mental health and specifically bipolar disorder. It later branched out into my physical well being as well, and I’m glad it did.

I started intermittent fasting, started exercising, meditating, and generally just taking better care of myself. I have Daisy to thank for a lot of those things. Daisy made me realize that it’s okay to get excited about things and to make changes. (for some context I had a really bad manic episode in 2022 and I did a lot of stupid things that I now regret. I was on top of the world, full of energy, and then came crashing down so hard, so I was, you can say “scared” to let myself be happy because I didn’t want another manic episode) Anyway Daisy helped me understand my emotions and how to cope with them, same with my mood. Doing DBT therapy has changed my life.

I am so happy and at peace, yes there is a lot going on under the surface but I’m happy. I have a routine, I’m talking about how I feel without lashing out. I am becoming more confident in my body. I am making changes. I even posted some really scary things on TikTok, things that I usually wouldn’t. It’s like I didn’t want the world to see me, the fat girl. I didn’t want to be known as the fat girl. I was ashamed. But now I am holding myself accountable for my actions, being assertive of what I put into my body and how I take care of my body. I don’t care about being that fat girl anymore because that does NOT define me. I am not going to be scared of going out because of my appearance. Yes I’m overweight, what are you going to do about it? Laugh? Trash talk me? I DON’T CARE! I am making changes.

I am at my best mentally, I am getting to where I want to be physically and nothing is going to get in my way. So, come at me with whatever you want, I will still stand tall and strong, because that is who I am now. I am strong, I am the best version of me. Nothing, and I mean nothing is going to get me down.

Anyway, I want to encourage you to take that step, whatever it is, if it’s going to make you feel better about yourself, do it! Who cares what everyone else thinks? Want a supporter? I’ll be your supporter! You are strong, you are beautiful, you can do anything you put your mind to. Now go out there and do it.

Until next time my lovely souls, remember you are loved!
