Having someone to talk to is so important

Over the years I have realised that having someone to talk to consistently and without judgement is so important. Luckily, I have a wonderful family who is always listening, but I came to a point where I realised, I needed more. That’s when I started seeing my psychologist, which was in February 2021. I have this immense trust in my psychologist and talking to him makes me feel so much better. I try not to call him outside of my scheduled visits, because that is just how I am, but on the occasions that I have, he has been so understanding and caring. He has been there for me in moments when I needed to cry, vent or just sit in silence. Bonus – he has a few animals at the practice that I get to say hello too, and then my serotonin levels are sky high again! LOL

Seeing a psychologist has helped me understand my disorders. I have bipolar disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, panic disorder, phobia disorder, and general anxiety disorder. When I was first diagnosed, I was in denial and felt like I didn’t understand anything, I was confused and overwhelmed. But seeing my psychologist on a regular basis has helped me tremendously. I am now starting to understand everything, I am learning to accept everything and I feel like I am on a better path. I have absolutely no shame in saying I look forward to my sessions with my psychologist!

If you are not able to see a psychologist, try calling the SADAG helpline or joining one of their online group sessions (I started there) or talk to a family member/teacher/friend. Anyone. Just don’t keep it bottled up. There is no shame in needing to talk to someone, having a moment to yourself or crying when need be. Never be ashamed of feeling a certain way and always know that you are not alone and that someone out there understands what you are going through.
Until next time, remember you are loved and you are worth it.
