“Exercise is the most potent and underrated antidepressant” – Bill Phillips (still take your antidepressants though :) )

Tip number 4

“How does exercise help mental health? Exercise causes your brain to release ‘feel good’ chemicals like endorphins and serotonin that help improve your mood. It also improves your fitness, which can help lift your mood. Doing physical activity can also distract you from negative thought patterns” – Health Direct (au)

I can definitely attest to the quote and statement above. All the times that I have felt my best mentally can be linked to the times I was at my best physically.

With that being said – to start is the hardest part (in my opinion). I’m not sure about you but I like to start things on a Monday or the 1st of the month, and I am not sure why. Today is Monday and I really did not want to exercise, I was trying everything and nothing worked until my husband motivated me, how I love that man. I just did 30 minutes on my exercise bike and a 5 minute arm workout that I found on YouTube. And guess what? I feel great! I feel happy and like I really want to do it again. Now, I usually forget about how good exercising makes me feel, so that’s why I’m writing it down, so that when I don’t want too, I can come back to this and remember how happy I was in this very moment.

I would like to be that person to encourage you. Make that first step, even if it’s just walking around your house once or twice, then challenge yourself to do a bit more tomorrow, and so on. Keep track of how you felt after you have exercised, write it down, and be kind to yourself, don’t push yourself too hard. Progress takes time. Give yourself a goal like maybe being able to walk 5km by June this year, it doesn’t matter what it is, no matter how small, a start is all that matters.

Do something fun while exercising, sometimes I watch my favorite show (modern family) or I listen to music. That keeps me distracted and focused on that rather than how much time I have left of my workout.

If you have any tips you would like to share with me, pop me an email, I’d love to hear your thoughts.

Until next time, you are beautiful, you are important, you are wanted and needed, and most importantly you are loved.
