“Embracing the company of animals is a simple yet profound remedy for the soul, their presence whispers peace to our minds and joy to our hearts, nurturing our mental well-being in the most delightful way.”

tip number 8 – how our furry friends can boost our mood

Today’s tip is something really close to my heart. Animals. I LOVE animals, and I would do just about anything to help them where I can. I grew up with a ton of animals (as I mentioned in a previous blog post) and I cant imagine my life without them. I have an amazing bond with all of my pets, but my dog (Nyx) is somewhat closer to me than the others.

Nyx is a rottweiler and she is my little angel. She came into my life when I needed her most – even though I didn’t know it at the time. Nyx has helped me establish a routine, she has helped me to get up in the morning, has brought so much happy tears to my eyes, and such great laughs to my soul. I cry when I think about how much she means to me, I am so thankful for her presence in my life.

Let me share something with you:

“Interacting with animals has been shown to decrease levels of cortisol (a stress-related hormone) and lower blood pressure. Other studies have found that animals can reduce loneliness, increase feelings of social support, and boost your mood” – newsinhealth.nih.gov

I definitely agree with the above statement. I am currently unemployed and most days are too long and not very exciting, but with my animals by my side, it’s less lonely, more loving and very much more exciting.

Watching them play, watching them find joy in the simplest of things and the faith that they have in us as their owners is simply amazing. They know that they will be fed, walked, brushed, played with, and loved. Doing these simple things will leave you with a happy, thankful pet that will give you so much love, love that you simply can’t describe.

Surrounding yourself with animals is a simple yet very effective way of boosting your mood. I would suggest owning a pet to anyone that is by the means to do so.

If you have a pet already, go on, give them some love, and they will be sure to return the favor – and most probably when you need it most.

Until next time beautiful souls, you are important, beautiful, wanted and most importantly, you are loved.
