Embrace what makes you happy

What are you passionate about? What gets you up in the morning? What lifts your spirits?

For me it’s mental health, my animals, music, and yes of course my husband.

If you read yesterday’s blog you would know that I had a bad day. I told myself “tomorrow will be better” and it’s tomorrow, and it’s better. Even if it’s 10% better, it’s better. I’m still listening to music, I’ve now switched to some good old Whitney, which is funny because I honestly can’t sing, but that is NOT holding me back from singing my heart out. My poor husband LOL

This makes me happy. Music among many other things makes me happy and sometimes very silly – my sister will vouch for this. She has videos of me singing with a broom as my microphone. Ahh that was a fun day.

To be completely honest I am taking so long to write this blog post because I keep saying “okay this is the last song I am going to sing along to” let’s be honest – It’s not. I mean how many of us have said that about a series? or a youtube video. LOL

Anyway, ask yourself what makes you happy, be honest and don’t care about what anyone else thinks, as long as it’s a fairly healthy coping mechanism, don’t be ashamed.

Laugh out loud, even if there’s a little snort that comes along with it. Wanna wear stripes with stripes, denim on denim, neon pink, all black? Do it. Wanna sing out loud? Do it. Wanna dance, even if it’s on the 3rd beat? Who cares! Sing as loud as you want, be as loud as you want, love who you want, be unapologetically you!! If it makes you smile, who cares what the next person thinks!

Btw, I think I’ve sung 5 songs since I said it would be my last. But who cares?

Do me a favor? Go to the mirror quickly… Now repeat after me “I am beautiful, quirks and all, and I won’t apologise for what makes me happy”

I hope that brought a smile to your beautiful face

Until next time, remember… you are worth it, you are beautiful and most importantly, you are loved!
