Don’t beat yourself up

If you suffer from binge eating disorder – or any eating disorder for that matter, you will know how hard it is to stay on track with eating properly and in a healthy manner. Yesterday was not my best day.

Initially the day started out good, I was productive and did everything on my to-do list, including some at home workouts, and I was going strong, I was eating well… Until I had some curry. If you know me, you will know that I absolutely love curry! Anyway I had some, and then some more, and then a little more. Before I knew it I had more than double what I was supposed to have. I felt sick, sick to my stomach, so sick that I only managed to get out of bed by 1 this afternoon. Now usually this will set me back a month or a week if I’m lucky. I would go on a bingeing spree all because of one day. I can’t do that this time around. I told myself that I really want to get healthy this year, with my mental and physical health. I cannot let one day set me back. I need to focus, I need to get this right. I can’t beat myself up for one day, and I won’t.

Today is a new day, today I will only eat when I am hungry. I saw somewhere that if you feel you need to eat, have an apple and if you are still hungry then eat, but most of the time that won’t be the case (this is mainly with binge eating disorder) Now, don’t get me wrong, don’t skip a meal for an apple, I am talking about the times inbetween. If you are like me, that’s where I struggle, and late at night too, well when I say late I mean 7pm LOL! Guys the age is setting in, well… If I am being completely honest I’ve beeeeeen feeling this age for a while! hahaha

Anyway, enough of the rant.

If you have a bad day when it comes to food, it’s okay, try the next day (see what I did there) Don’t let one day set you off from your goals, and I am writing this to myself as well. Let’s be kind to ourselves, let’s love ourselves, put ourselves first and focus on ourselves.

Smile, tomorrow will be better

Until next time, you matter, you are important, you deserve everything your heart desires, you are needed, and most importantly… remember, you are loved!
