Dear Husband (This is for you Jéan)

In your eyes, I find my solace, my dear, My partner, confidant, forever near. Your smile, a beacon, lights my way, Your laughter, a melody, bright as day.

Each morning, your hair, a playful chore, Yet in that moment, I love you more. “Angel,” you call me, with tender grace, In your embrace, I find my place.

Your heart, a treasure, pure as gold, Kindness and help, your virtues bold. Tomorrow, the next life, eternity’s span, It’s always been you, my beloved man.

In laughter, we find joy, in trials, strength, Together, we conquer, no matter the length. Your work, your mind, a marvel to behold, I may not grasp all, but your tales unfold.

Your love for others, a sight to see, Reflects the love you’ve shown to me. In your soul, I find my home, With you, my love, I’ll always roam.

I’ll support, encourage, through thick and thin, In your arms, my heart, it does begin. Know this, my love, in every hue, I love you endlessly, forever true.

Thank you for choosing me, for loving so, In your arms, my heart does glow. My dear husband, my cherished friend, Together, forever, until the end.

Don’t forget to tell those you love how much they mean to you

Until next time my lovely souls, remember you are loved
