Excuse me while I take a break

Firstly, ironic because I’ve been AWOL haha (well with blogging)

But seriously, I need a break, so if you don’t hear from me or see me as often, know it’s nothing personal – I am trying to make a few POSITIVE changes and I need to stay focused.

We are almost at the end of September and I remember telling myself last year, that I would be in a total different place by now, and guess what? Besides my job and slightly better mental health status – my physical health has taken an even bigger dip, and I am not proud of it.

I recently had a doctor’s appointment and I had to list all my “disorders” and honestly after mentioning all of it I was kinda embarrassed. That list was so long! The doctor took one look at me and said “stop hiding behind your disorders, own it” that hit hard but it’s true. Sometimes I make excuses and just fall back on, oh its because I have…. whatever. But that needs to stop.

If I want to make changes – especially with regard to my physical health I need to STOP blaming my binge eating disorder and work with what I have. Eat healthier and exercise. Simple right? well, it’s actually really not but I have to put in the effort. As I am typing this I am so nauseous, my throat hurts and I just feel unwell, and I can’t help but think it is linked to me being overweight.

While I’m on the topic, remember what Kat said in Euphoria? β€œThere’s Nothing More Powerful Than A Fat Girl That Doesn’t Give a F***” Yoh I felt that for some time, not gonna lie. Being overweight gave me a weird sense of confidence, but it’s at a point where my health is taking a major dip and I simply HAVE to make some changes!

Wondering why I’m sharing this? Well if this is boring to you… just close the tab! I started this blog for myself and to raise awareness about mental health among many other things, but also as a diary to myself, so, Makayla, by next year this time I want to see a change okay? I am holding myself accountable and if you want to be a part of my journey then hold me accountable too! Sometimes we all need a helping hand, and if you want to be one – I will accept it. I am NOT saying I will be the best responder but I will try my best πŸ™‚

I listened to this oldish song now and it made me feel somewhat hopeful. So take a listen, maybe you need it too!


I g2g

Until next time my lovely souls, remember you are loved!


Why I’m getting confirmed – at the age of 28

Firstly, Hey guys! It’s been a hot minute! Wow so much has happened since I last posted. I hope you are all well and keeping warm in this cold weather πŸ™‚

Secondly, DISCLAIMER/TRIGGER WARNING – This post contains details about a specific phobia and suicidal thoughts that I struggled with for a very long time, and if you are sensitive to things like that, please DO NOT read on.

Okay! So I am getting confirmed on the 28th July πŸ™‚ why now you ask? Well there are many, many reasons and at this time I would just like to talk about one, and that’s the biggest and main reason it has taken me so long and that has kept me out of church for many years.

I remember being about 8/9 years old and this fear hit me straight up out of nowhere, like I have NO IDEA where it came from, but it hit me hard, and that’s the fear of eternity.

Lot’s of people fear death, but I feared what came after, spending ETERNITY in Heaven, with God. Weird right? Why would one fear that? Let me give you some more insight. The thought of something never coming to an end, just going on forever scared me so much. My mind could not comprehend something having no end. I was so young at the time, and there was so much going on in my life, with regards to my family (I won’t go into that right now)

Once the fear latched itself onto/into (IDK) my brain, it was stuck. Whenever I had to go to Church after that… I tuned out. When I heard the word “Eternity” (and you hear it a lot at Church) my mind would go straight into panic mode. I would cry, pull my hair, hold my breath, pray (weird) I would count to 10 and at some point the only way to get through the moment was to tell myself that God, the Church, everything… was a lie and then when I died, I will cease to exist. And this would help – Until I was alone in my thoughts, and then I would spiral and think of something going on and on and on, you get where I am going with this. It got so bad that I would do anything to not be alone.

I would make sure I was the first to fall asleep, always have music playing, stay with someone, anyone, and just stay present. Obviously this could not work out in the long run so… sometimes I would take tablets to fall asleep, and I became addicted to codeine without knowing it. Suicide crossed my mind daily, more than once a day. I just needed my mind to be quiet. One day everything came crashing down and I took a handful of pills and called my psychologist and told him, if he could not help me, right that second, that I will take everything that I had and just end it. Luckily he squeezed me in to see him and I had to be rushed to hospital because I almost had a stroke. Now this is all very personal and I wasn’t even planning on sharing that part. But anyway… it’s all part of the story. I promise I’m getting there.

Anyway that stunt scared me, and I swore I would never attempt something like that again. I told myself to be strong and to just not think of it. I told myself God isn’t real. I told myself anything to get through the day. I know this might be silly to some, but the amount of panic attacks that I had because of this fear – it’s crazy.

Moving on to about when I started this blog, so January/February I started seeing a new psychologist, you all know her “Daisy” (not her real name) and the reason I started seeing her is because I wanted to hurt myself, I remember trying to explain what was going on in my head one night – to my husband, and it just got so bad, I ended up crying and telling him all I wanted was to die. All I had on my mind was death and how I could get away with it without killing myself. Now I will not be sharing those details as… well… I don’t think I should, I just don’t.

Anyway, things got so bad that I would sit and cry for hours and nothing would help. I would stare at nothing for hours and my doctors said I was border lining entering psychosis. This is where Daisy steps in. My first session with Daisy I listed all the things I needed help with, obviously the fear of eternity being number one. After talking for a few minutes she says she can definitely help with everything, especially the big one, she brushed it off like it was nothing. I was like what?? someone can help me? all my doctors knew about this fear, but no one came out and said that it’s no issue and that we can sort it out. It was from this moment on that I had hope.

Fast forward about 6-8 weeks (we saw each other weekly) and FINALLY the big topic was brought up, and we start talking about it, and we get into the finer details of some things and she asks me question after question and I don’t know how but we cleared everything up. She had studied and read the bible many times and she explained to me that once we die and enter heaven, that there is no sickness, nothing bad, just happiness (I don’t know why, but I had thought that my Bipolar brain would be going with me and that my eternity would mean me stuck within my mind) anyway we also got into the why I am scared of something that never ends, it stems from some unresolved childhood trauma. And by the end of the meeting, I closed my laptop and started crying. My husband asked what’s wrong and I said I’m happy, I’m not scared anymore. For about 2 hours I cried and stopped and cried and had this sense of peace over me that I simply cannot put into words, and in that moment I realized that the peace that I felt was so warm and calm and if that is a taste of what Eternity will be like – then I am not afraid anymore.

That very day I called the Reverend at Kuilsriver Moravian Church and asked about joining their confirmation group. (At the time I thought it would be a year program because confirmation usually takes place on Palm Sunday, and that had already passed) anyway turns out that there were 2 other older people that also wanted to be confirmed and that it would take place in July, along with the younger group.

So I’ve been attending classes, attending Church and isn’t it crazy? How this all worked out? Everything happened for me to get to this point where I am right now – getting confirmed in 2 weeks, by a Reverend who I admire in so many ways, that accepts things in a way I always believed things should be accepted. Everything fits! I had to go through everything, I had to see many therapists before I found the right one, the one that lead me to being where I am right now, and right in time to get confirmed. Is it just me or does that sound like fate?

Even in the time where I told myself God wasn’t real – I still prayed, I prayed for him to take my fear away, and yes it’s taken many years but it’s made me who I am, everything that has lead to this moment has made me who I am. God was there all along, I just had to be patient.

Now some of you might not understand this post and some of you might look at me in a different way. Some of you might think this is the dumbest thing you have ever read, someone being afraid of Eternity?? and that’s okay. I am not here to judge you and I accept that not everyone sees things the same way.

My message to you today is – You never know why someone is the way they are, you don’t know that the person right next to you might be smiling, but inside is batting something that they feel they will never overcome. Be kind always, accept one another for who they are, I mean who are we to judge? A simple smile, or “how are you – and mean it” can go a very long way.

So yes, I am 28 and I am getting confirmed! I know and understand what I am about to do and I embrace it and look forward to it so much. I am excited about the next chapter of my life, because the way I see it, this is just the beginning.

Shout out to Daisy, Reverend, family members and my dear Husband (who has been by my side through EVERYTHING) I love you all!

Until next time my lovely souls, remember that you are loved!


How do you stay motivated during your weigh loss journey?

The Mayo Clinic provides comprehensive information on the connection between physical activity and mental health. They state that exercise can help reduce anxiety, depression, and negative mood by improving self-esteem and cognitive function and that it can also help alleviate symptoms such as low self-esteem and social withdrawal.

Source: Mayo Clinic – Exercise and stress: Get moving to manage stress

The above statement is something I strongly believe in. But what keeps you motivated? I’ve done some research and here are a few tips:

  1. Set Realistic Goals: Break down your overall weight loss goal into smaller, manageable milestones. Celebrate each achievement to stay motivated.
  2. Create a Plan: Develop a structured plan that includes a balanced diet and regular exercise. Having a clear plan helps you stay focused and organized.
  3. Track Your Progress: Keep a journal or use a mobile app to track your food intake, workouts, and weight loss progress. Seeing your progress can be a great motivator.
  4. Find a Support System: Surround yourself with supportive friends, family, or a weight loss group. Sharing your journey with others can provide encouragement and accountability.
  5. Stay Positive: Focus on the positive changes you are making rather than just the number on the scale. Celebrate non-scale victories like improved energy levels or fitting into smaller clothes.
  6. Reward Yourself: Set up a reward system for reaching milestones. Choose non-food rewards such as a new outfit, a spa day, or a fun activity.
  7. Keep it Varied: Mix up your workouts and try new healthy recipes to keep things interesting. Boredom can lead to demotivation.
  8. Visualize Your Success: Imagine how you will feel and look once you reach your goal. Visualization can strengthen your commitment.
  9. Manage Stress: Practice stress-reducing activities like yoga, meditation, or deep breathing exercises. Stress can lead to emotional eating, which can derail your progress.
  10. Stay Flexible: Understand that setbacks are a part of the journey. Don’t be too hard on yourself if you have a bad day. Get back on track and keep going.
  11. Seek Professional Help: Consider consulting with a nutritionist, personal trainer, or therapist for personalized guidance and support

Something that is not listed here is to use photo’s as a motivational tool. Look for a photo where you felt your best and use it as a reminder on what you are working towards. If you don’t have a photo to look back on, look at someone that inspires you, and use someone that has a realistic body type and use that as a motivation.

Repeat after me “I am committed to my health and well-being, and each small step I take brings me closer to my weight loss goals.”

I hope this post has motivated you in some way, and that it brings you one step closer to your weight loss goals.

Until next time my lovely souls, remember you are loved!


Life update???

Why do I feel like that is all I do these days? LOL

I’ve been trying to keep busy. Let’s see. . . I am still job hunting (the struggle is real) but I am very picky about the environment that I want to be in, so that I don’t repeat past mistakes.

I went to Church! for the first time in so long. I am excited about that new chapter.

Daisy said that she can’t teach me any new things and that she is very proud of my progress. So I’ll be seeing her on a need to see basis (if that makes sense)

I’ve started 2 courses on Udemy that I am very excited about! Even though my brain is mush these days, I still like learning new things!

I am proud of myself, and I don’t tell myself that enough. I am proud of who I am becoming, and my progress that I have made over these past few months.

OMW why am I writing 2 lines each time? I wish I could add emoji’s to my posts. If you know how, please DM me LOL

I was taking a break from IF, and I am trying so hard to get back into it (that and exercising) but why does it feel so much harder than the first time? URGH . . . but nothing that is worth it is easy right?

I don’t know why, but my blog posts and YouTube video’s are so random, like I never plan it or the content, I just wing it. Speaking of which, show some love on my latest video :))))

Anyway back to some more random thoughts. . .


sorry, that was an intrusive thought that had to be let out LOL

Yoh I crack myself up sometimes :)))

On a serious note though, I think I am funny, or at least my 100 personalities and I find myself funny LOL

I am writing this and looking at my doggy, and I just love her so much! Like I would take a bullet for her. Crazy hey? To love something so much, even though you don’t speak the same language. I am so grateful for my little angel, I hope she knows how much I love her.

Wait let me stop there, because now I am getting emotional :(((

Point of this post? Well I don’t actually know


Be yourself. Love yourself. Who cares what anyone else thinks? I sure as heck don’t anymore, and I love it!


Until next time my lovely souls, remember you are loved!


Do you also have the flu? Also what day is it?

I’ve been down with the flu since last Friday :((( According to TikTok so is everyone else. . .

I don’t know what your symptoms are but I’ve had a constant headache, runny nose, cough and fever, among some other things that I’d prefer not to mention LOL

You probably reading this and thinking. . . okay? so? what does this have to do with your usual content? Well it has something to do with it okaaaaay :)))))

When we are run down we are usually more susceptible to falling ill and taking longer to recover. And then that makes us get in our head and then get the depression bug. (well that’s the case for me rn)

I hate being cooped up and on one spot for too long, and that has been me for the past few days. Just laying. . . on my couch. . . taking meds and watching Modern Family, I am almost done btw. (well it won’t be my first time watching it) It’s such a relatable, feel good series. I either end up laughing or crying because it’s so cute and funny.

Anyway, as usual I am rambling on and on (I am rolling my eyes at myself rn)

If you are down with the flu now, please go to the doc and medicate! It’s really bad and health is wealth guys! OMW I had this random memory now, I was in primary school and we had to come up with a name for a healthy sandwich and make others want to buy it. Mine was “healthy, wealthy” and I’m pretty sure I was not aware of the saying at that time. Anyway that made me LOL

But honestly, take care of yourself. Take time off and put your health first. (mental, physical) Taking care of yourself is so important, and as I am saying this I just realized I only had 1L of water for the day, guess I need to be taking my own advice hey!

Anyway, my brain is mush but I just needed to do something because the book that I am working on is just not looking good rn. I was like “let me stick to what I know” and get a blog out, even if I am just rambling on to whatever.

Anyway if you read this far. . . thank you. I appreciate you and I’m sending you all my love and hoping that you are going to have a leka week further :))) Rest up my beautiful souls and crush your goals for this week!

Until next time my lovely souls, remember that you are loved


“Embrace possibilities. Trust growth. Radiate positivity.”

As another week begins, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the challenges that may lie ahead. But what if we shift our perspective and view each new week as an opportunity for growth, excitement, and hope? Embracing the week ahead with positivity and anticipation can transform our mindset and set the tone for a fulfilling and productive journey. Let’s explore how we can approach the week ahead with enthusiasm and optimism, ready to seize the many possibilities that await.

Embrace Possibilities: Every new week brings with it a variety of possibilities waiting to be explored. Whether it’s tackling a new project at work, reconnecting with friends, or pursuing a personal goal, there are endless opportunities for growth and discovery. Instead of focusing on the unknown or the challenges that may arise, embrace the potential for positive outcomes and new experiences. Keep an open mind and be willing to step outside of your comfort zone to make the most of the week ahead.

Trust Growth: It’s important to remember that growth often comes from facing challenges and overcoming obstacles. Rather than fearing failure or setbacks, trust in your ability to adapt and grow stronger with each experience. Approach challenges as opportunities for learning and development, knowing that every setback is a stepping stone toward success. By embracing a growth mindset, you’ll be better equipped to navigate the ups and downs of the week ahead with confidence and resilience.

Radiate Positivity: Your mindset has a powerful impact on your outlook and experiences. By choosing to radiate positivity, you can create a ripple effect of optimism and hope that not only lifts your spirits but also influences those around you. Start each day with a grateful heart and a positive attitude, focusing on the things that bring you joy and fulfillment. Surround yourself with supportive people who uplift and encourage you, and let your optimism guide you through any challenges that may arise.

As we embark on a new week, let’s embrace the possibilities, trust in our growth, and radiate positivity. By approaching each day with excitement and hope, we can transform our outlook and set ourselves up for success. Remember, the week ahead is full of opportunities waiting to be seized – all it takes is a willingness to embrace them with an open heart and mind.

Until next time my lovely souls, remember that you are loved.


Just keep breathing

“Some days, things just take way to much of my energy” – Ariana Grande

Those words are resonating with me so hard right now.

I’ve had a couple of REALLY great weeks, maybe 2 months or so? But the big crash came. aii what’s new right? If you suffer from a mental illness I’m sure you’ll understand what I am saying. Or maybe you don’t and you just know that life has its ups and downs. But how do we get through it? I think how we get through it is what defines us. I say that with the utmost sensitivity, and speaking from experience where I haven’t dealt with it as well as I would like.

I’ve written about what helps me when I have my moments, but what happens when nothing is working? What happens when it all seems to much? I’m asking because I don’t have all the answers, and I am still figuring it all out one step at a time.

I’ll tell you what I am trying right now. I’ve reached out to a really good friend, and I am listening to music and writing this blog. Overloading my brain with as much as I can to calm my mind and stay as present as I can. (wrote this part last night, and the next part today)

I am so grateful to the person who pulled me out of a dark place last night. If you are reading this, thank you. Sometimes all we need to do is talk, maybe not even about the problem at hand, but just to take your mind off things. Sometimes we just need to look at things from a fresh perspective.

I would like to encourage you to not be too hard on yourself. Last night I was beating myself up so badly about not being able to hold things together, but the truth is… things can’t be perfect all the time, and beating ourselves up about it won’t change the situation but rather make it worse.

Please be patient with yourself, especially when it comes to healing. Having bad day’s is okay, take your time and work through it. Do something that makes you smile, makes you laugh and then when you are feeling stronger, go at it with a fresh mind.

Thank you for reading

Until next time my lovely souls, remember that you are loved.


How do you want to be remembered? And for how long do you want to be remembered?

That’s the question I was asked by my psychologist on Monday (not Daisy) and this is something I have thought about before, but haven’t like sat with it you know?

I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason and that people enter and exit our lives when it’s meant to be and for a reason.

I started all this social media business because I want to make a change and impact lives, even if it’s one. And once my psychologist asked me “how long do you want to be remembered and for what” I was like this, this is how I want to be remembered.

I want people to think of me as an average girl that wants to make a change, a girl that has beeeen through it but has worked on herself, a girl that radiates positivity and kindness. A girl that you can open up to and speak to without fear or judgement. I want to be that girl and so much more. And I want to be remembered as that for as long as possible.

And I know I can do it, and I want you to know that you can too. Life is hard and it throws us with so much stuff but it’s what we do with it that matters. Turn a negative into a positive, and don’t worry about how long that is going to take you, look forward to the destination.

Be grateful. I’ve been through some crap in my life and I used to cry and think why me? But it’s all happening for a reason, I am meant to tell a story and inspire others, to encourage others to hold on. Because let me tell you… life was very very dark a few months ago and I am so so happy that I held on, because now I see the light and the beauty in all things and I welcome challenges into my life because I know it will make me stronger.

My message to you today is to hold on. Please hold on. Whatever you are going through WILL get better, it must. Look at your life, reflect, and let go of what is holding you back… and it might be easy for me to say that, but trust me. Instead of looking at all the crappy things, look at the good and take it in and embrace it and hold onto it.

Life is crazy with it’s twists and turns but I believe in you, I believe that you will come out stronger and happier than ever. If you feel like you need someone to talk too, I am all ears.

Until next time my lovely souls, remember that you are loved!


Do you believe in God? Do you believe in fate? Everything happens for a reason?

Trust me this all adds up in the end.

Where do I start? Okay, so since I was about 8 years old I have been battling with a “specific phobia” which I will NOT mention, as I do not want anyone to go through what I went through. VERY few people know about this fear, and if you do . . . thank you for always trying to put my mind at ease.

Anyway, the fear had to do with religion/God/faith. Something between those lines, I won’t get specific. Living with this fear was crippling, I shed so many tears, pulled out my hair and all the horrible things. A lot of the time I was convinced my mind would “break” if that makes sense. As you know I have many mental issues that I battle with, but this was by far the worst thing that I had to overcome.

I’ve spoken to therapists about this and none could help. . . Until I met Daisy. On the very first day when we were talking about what I need help with, I mentioned this specific phobia and her exact words were “Oh, don’t worry that is definitely something we can work on, don’t worry” For the first time in my life I had hope that maybe, just maybe I can close the door on that chapter.

Daisy and I had a few sessions, and we worked on everything that bothered me (well the main things) and we took a week break (we usually met every week on a Tuesday) because my husband had surgery. And we met this Tuesday, and we were like well what are we going to talk about today? and then she brought it up . . . the thing. And she asked if I am ready and I said yes. We spoke for 50 minutes in total, and by the end of the session I was in tears, those tears that stop you from breathing properly. BUT – it was happy tears. It was finally GONE! she shattered the fear, she gave me advice and for the first time in my life I felt complete peace over my body,

We spoke about God and the Bible, I had some questions which she could answer based on her beliefs and the fact that she had studied the Bible for many years. She advised me to read the Bible and start with the book of John, and we spoke about what a coincidence it is that this weekend is Good Friday and Easter. The Daily text for today is “Good Friday β€” For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life. John 3:16” Also, the daily text for that day was “Tuesday, March 26, 2024 β€” Psalm 39:7–13
Exodus 31:12–32:29; Matthew 26:36–46 The Lord makes a way in the sea, a path in the mighty waters. Isaiah 43:16 Jesus said, β€œAnd if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, so that where I am, there you may be also. And you know the way to the place where I am going.” John 14:3-4. Later that day my husband and I were reading up on the history of his Church and we watched a video and it ended with “John 17:21 that they may all be one”. I’ll link the video below

Now, do you believe in fate? because I do. How crazy is it that we had this conversation this week and it all kind of relating to the book of John? It’s not just a coincidence. It can’t be.

I told Daisy how I prayed and prayed to God to take this fear away from me, as it was holding me back from many things, including becoming closer to God. I believe every step I have taken in my life has lead me to Daisy, and in turn lead me closer to God, and I am so very grateful for that.

Crazy how life works hey?

I don’t have an exact message for you to take away from this. . . other than the fact that everything happens for a reason, and things will get better. You just need to hold on. It will get better

May you have a blessed Good Friday and Easter weekend!

Until next time my lovely souls, remember that you are loved


I’m loving life, and everything that comes with it

Sorry I’ve been MIA πŸ™

Life has beeeen life-ing? Does that fit the “lingo”? LOL

Even though my husband just had surgery a week ago, and I’ve been recovering from a terrible flu, I am grateful.

I woke up happy and decided to go with it.

I know it may seem like life can come at you with so many things, and most of the time with everything at once – but trust me when I say, you can get through it. It won’t last forever, the sun has to shine at some point πŸ™‚

Even when you are going through the most, ask yourself. . . “what am I grateful for?” I’ll tell you mine. I am grateful for a new day, a chance to make memories and laugh as hard as I can. I am grateful for my wonderful family, my husband and my pets. I am grateful for life and the fact that I am getting older (I used to fear aging, now I welcome it) I am grateful for feeling peaceful and happy.

I was looking at old video’s of my siblings and it brought so much happiness to my heart, I have had the privilege of watching them grow up and become their own person. Life moves by so fast, so always embrace the now.

I know I haven’t been posting much, and I haven’t been posting much about my mental health journey, but I will get to it. Bipolar Awareness day is coming up, and I’ll probably dedicate a post to it.

But for now, I want you to look at what is good in your life, even if it’s something as small as a great cup of coffee that you just had. Enjoy the good moments, embrace them and try and hold onto them, for when days that are not as good.

Thank you for reading. . .

Until next time my lovely souls, remember that you are loved.
