Life update???

Why do I feel like that is all I do these days? LOL

I’ve been trying to keep busy. Let’s see. . . I am still job hunting (the struggle is real) but I am very picky about the environment that I want to be in, so that I don’t repeat past mistakes.

I went to Church! for the first time in so long. I am excited about that new chapter.

Daisy said that she can’t teach me any new things and that she is very proud of my progress. So I’ll be seeing her on a need to see basis (if that makes sense)

I’ve started 2 courses on Udemy that I am very excited about! Even though my brain is mush these days, I still like learning new things!

I am proud of myself, and I don’t tell myself that enough. I am proud of who I am becoming, and my progress that I have made over these past few months.

OMW why am I writing 2 lines each time? I wish I could add emoji’s to my posts. If you know how, please DM me LOL

I was taking a break from IF, and I am trying so hard to get back into it (that and exercising) but why does it feel so much harder than the first time? URGH . . . but nothing that is worth it is easy right?

I don’t know why, but my blog posts and YouTube video’s are so random, like I never plan it or the content, I just wing it. Speaking of which, show some love on my latest video :))))

Anyway back to some more random thoughts. . .


sorry, that was an intrusive thought that had to be let out LOL

Yoh I crack myself up sometimes :)))

On a serious note though, I think I am funny, or at least my 100 personalities and I find myself funny LOL

I am writing this and looking at my doggy, and I just love her so much! Like I would take a bullet for her. Crazy hey? To love something so much, even though you don’t speak the same language. I am so grateful for my little angel, I hope she knows how much I love her.

Wait let me stop there, because now I am getting emotional :(((

Point of this post? Well I don’t actually know


Be yourself. Love yourself. Who cares what anyone else thinks? I sure as heck don’t anymore, and I love it!


Until next time my lovely souls, remember you are loved!
