Do you also have the flu? Also what day is it?

I’ve been down with the flu since last Friday :((( According to TikTok so is everyone else. . .

I don’t know what your symptoms are but I’ve had a constant headache, runny nose, cough and fever, among some other things that I’d prefer not to mention LOL

You probably reading this and thinking. . . okay? so? what does this have to do with your usual content? Well it has something to do with it okaaaaay :)))))

When we are run down we are usually more susceptible to falling ill and taking longer to recover. And then that makes us get in our head and then get the depression bug. (well that’s the case for me rn)

I hate being cooped up and on one spot for too long, and that has been me for the past few days. Just laying. . . on my couch. . . taking meds and watching Modern Family, I am almost done btw. (well it won’t be my first time watching it) It’s such a relatable, feel good series. I either end up laughing or crying because it’s so cute and funny.

Anyway, as usual I am rambling on and on (I am rolling my eyes at myself rn)

If you are down with the flu now, please go to the doc and medicate! It’s really bad and health is wealth guys! OMW I had this random memory now, I was in primary school and we had to come up with a name for a healthy sandwich and make others want to buy it. Mine was “healthy, wealthy” and I’m pretty sure I was not aware of the saying at that time. Anyway that made me LOL

But honestly, take care of yourself. Take time off and put your health first. (mental, physical) Taking care of yourself is so important, and as I am saying this I just realized I only had 1L of water for the day, guess I need to be taking my own advice hey!

Anyway, my brain is mush but I just needed to do something because the book that I am working on is just not looking good rn. I was like “let me stick to what I know” and get a blog out, even if I am just rambling on to whatever.

Anyway if you read this far. . . thank you. I appreciate you and I’m sending you all my love and hoping that you are going to have a leka week further :))) Rest up my beautiful souls and crush your goals for this week!

Until next time my lovely souls, remember that you are loved
