I’ve never been this happy before

Okay, that’s a bold statement to make right?

But honestly? I’ve done so much work on myself in the past month that I can say I am in a really good place right now with my mind.

Doing DBT therapy, exercising and doing intermittent fasting has all come together like a puzzle, a puzzle that has had pieces missing for years.

I just got off a call with my therapist, and we had some deep conversations, and part of me feels really sad, but a good kind of sad if that makes sense. For the first time I can identify my emotions and know how to deal with it.

Handling my emotions and controlling my mood has been something that I have struggled with for years, and to finally see the light is such a good feeling.

I am going to keep today’s post short because I just want to go and be present in what I am feeling in this moment, I want to process it and get through it in a healthy way, a way that I now know how to do.

Maybe I’ll make a post today or tomorrow going into detail on what I mean, but for now I want you to take a minute, take a deep breath, feel your lungs expand and embrace the smells around you, listen to the sound and feel the moment that you are in. Feel it deeply, and know that if you are going through a tough time, it won’t last forever, trust me. Here is a video I listened to this morning that I really enjoyed, and that helped me stay present in the moment.

Until next time my lovely souls, remember you are loved!
