Take it step by step

I’d like to share something that I think many can relate too. Ever told yourself that you are going to start something on Monday? or the first of the month? And then just don’t get around to doing it? Then you just don’t do it at all? And wait for the next Monday or the next first of the month? Yeah me too. But why is that? Well I can’t answer for everyone but my reason is simply that my OCD brain works that way. I am trying to fight it though, I am trying real hard.

I skipped a day. When I started this blog I challenged myself to write everyday for a year. What now? Well I am going to continue either way, yes I skipped a day and that’s okay. Usually my OCD would be taking over and I would throw in the towel completely but I can’t do that this time around. I’d rather skip a day than come on here and write about something that just does not resonate with me that day. It’s going to be hard though, because I know that one day will bother me, but I can’t let the rest of the year slip by just because I missed one day. I think i’ll try and start with a smaller goal. I’ll challenge myself to complete everything on my to-do list for today and take it from there, and once I can do that i’ll challenge myself to a week, and then maybe a month.

My Mommy gave me some really good advice, I can’t remember exactly how it goes but it’s something like “just focus on the next second, then the next minute, then the next hour” and so on. Break down what you would like to do into the smallest version and work your way up. You can’t expect to run a marathon without taking it step by step right?

The point I am trying to make is, it’s good to set goals and to set them with a timeline, but don’t beat yourself up when it’s not completely perfect or on time. What matters is that you are trying. Do as much as you can, in the amount of time that you can, and then try again the next day. None of us is perfect so don’t try for that. A quote just came to mind “reach for the moon so that you can land upon the stars” So yes set out goals, don’t make them too hard though, but if you land upon the stars that is great! and I am proud of you!

Until next time, be kind to yourself, smile, laugh, be yourself, remember you are important, you matter, and most importantly you are loved.
