Felt weird – might delete later (trust the process)

I’m having such a weird morning. My husband, dog, and I were up until after 4am watching a series on Netflix. I think we all woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Nyx (my dog) has been so clingy and sleepy all morning, Jéan (my husband) was asking where his phone was when he was clearly watching a YouTube video on it, I called the doctor and couldn’t even speak properly. It’s like words and their meaning left my brain. LOL it was kinda funny. (I didn’t even know the word for Whatsapp)

Let me introduce my family properly – Jéan is my husband. Nyx is my 1 year old Rottie. Kai is my 8 year old female ginger cat. Cosmo is my 3 year old male tuxedo cat, and Tigger is my 3 year old male ginger cat. And we all lived happily ever after – okay I don’t know why I typed that. I am doing this thing today where I am not deleting anything, I am going to type and post whatever comes to mind. Brace yourselves because I am quite funny! LOL (cringe)

Okay so now I’m blank, I was laying in bed having all these random thoughts and was like okay I’m going to write it all down, and now I can’t think of one thing.

Okay I thought of one thing. I was thinking how am I going to relate this post to something inspirational? and I got it. Embrace the weird! Be yourself. Have you ever spoke about something and lost your train of thought? Have you ever felt misunderstood and like no one gets your humor? Have you ever had like weird thoughts like who invented languages? When I was little I thought that when you “spay” an animal you would put a spade in them and close them up! I used to ask where does your nails grow from, and your hair? Why does water have a taste yet have no taste at all? Oh this is a good one, sometimes I will put my arm in the air and just like have it there, and like why did I do that? Then I will think “okay drop the arm” and it won’t drop until it does. Like I understand how the brain works – or I think I do, but isn’t it weird how it works? Am I even making sense? Anyway I am having such a delayed reaction to what I want to say.

Okay – Love yourself, quirks and all. Love yourself even when you have random thoughts like I just did. Don’t ever apologise for being you. Don’t try and be like anyone else, be you, be unapologetically you. Who cares what anyone thinks. Love yourself. Be kind to yourself.

I have absolutely no idea what is going on in my head today, and that’s okay. Yes this blog is intended to be about mental health, and animals at times, but it’s also to let you know that you are NOT alone. We all have our days where we question things, where we are a little weird, where we feel lost and when we just have no direction. What I am trying to say is, it’s okay. I get you, you are not alone. Anyway I hope you made it this far into the post. Until next time, you are beautiful, you are important, you are needed and …… embrace the weird! oh and most importantly YOU ARE LOVED!
